Duke and Duchess of Cambridge held a video call with teachers from the IMCG

The Duke and Duchess held a video call with teachers and children from the Islamabad Model College for Girls. Kate Middleton wore a gold kurta

One year on from their visit to Pakistan, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge held a video call with teachers and children from the Islamabad Model College for Girls (IMCG), which they visited in October 2019. During the video call, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge received information from the teachers about how they have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic and then, took part in a Pictionary game with the students.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge held a video call

Founded in 1967, Islamabad Model College for Girls, formerly known as Federal Government College for Women, is the oldest girls institution in Islamabad. The Duke and Duchess shared on their Twitter account the video of their interaction with Pakistani students.